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"Breath" translates as spirit or soul in Latin & Ancient Greek, representing an interface between conscious & subconscious processes


Breathwork helped me heal from chronic fatigue syndrome & now wish to share knowledge of breathwork with world. Trained as a Breath Teacher with Breath Body Mind Foundation, New York.


Formed collabs with Oxford, UCSF, Imperial & Maastricht. Founded Brighton & Sussex Breathwork Lab, & want to scale this to form Breathwork Centre (donors reach out if interested). Research featured across BBC, Guardian, Forbes, & HubermanLab.


Keynote speaker at Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music Conference—Breath, Music & Music Therapy. Presenter at Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research. Plan to research breathwork as non-pharmacological alternative for inducing altered states of consciousness.


Have growing interest in innumerable applications of breathwork across all contexts of human recovery & performance, from health to sports. Main aim is to see if breathwork can help people: be it mentally, physically, spiritually or athletically. Open to advisory & consulting roles, including coaching.

Cheers for reading (& breathing)! Find me on twitterX @breath_Guy

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Me doing breathwork at the medical school
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